Aerogility for airlines
Succeeding in civil aviation today is a significant challenge. Customer expectations are high. Cost pressures are intense. And change is constant.
Airlines often find themselves at the sharp end of balancing the need for aircraft utilization and yield with the demand to minimize costs in every way possible. More than this, they need to be able to focus on both short-term tactics to meet demand for seats, while also taking a strategic view of future needs.
Sound familiar?
Better forecasts, faster planning, fewer errors
Aerogility creates an accurate enterprise digital twin of all your assets — planes, spares, facilities, people and everything else. It then enables you to plan what happens with those resources with drag-and-drop simplicity.
Because it understands the dependencies involved, it won’t allow you to make plans that can’t be achieved in the real world.
In fact, with Aerogility, what used to take weeks and months can now be achieved in minutes and hours.
Increase planning yield, lower costs
Maintaining a high yield is critical for most airlines. But with traditional planning, you’d often need to play it safe by adding additional buffers to the schedule (just in case).
Aerogility enables you to create highly accurate plans. It helps you understand what’s possible and when, enabling you to minimize time-on-ground and get the most from your fleet.
With Aerogility, you can maximize the value of high-cost components such as powerplant, landing gear and APUs, extracting their full value and significantly lowering your MRO costs.
Accurately simulate any scenario over any timescale
No one truly knows what the future holds. Today’s airlines face a multitude of possibilities — from changes in passenger behavior and geopolitical uncertainty to shifting environmental regulations and industry consolidations.
With Aerogility simulations, you can project into the future any number of what-if scenarios. You can do so whether focusing on the next quarter or the next decade.
What if you need to add new aircraft or upgrade your powerplant? What skilled resources do you need?
What is your carbon footprint over the next decade — and what should you do in response?
Aerogility helps you answer the hard questions with confidence.
We pride ourselves on delivering tangible
benefits to airlines like yours
$3 million in savings on aircraft parts
We enabled one airline to save $3m by reducing the number of landing gears required in a spares pool by just one set.
Consistent 95%+
planning yield
Another carrier consistently achieved over 95% planning yield in heavy base maintenance, showing remarkable efficiency gains.
Streamlined planning
in 15 minutes
Yet another airline transformed its maintenance planning process from weeks to just 15 minutes, hugely enhancing operational efficiency.
Experience Aerogility for yourself
We’d love to show you how Aerogility could help you meet and exceed your operational objectives.
Contact us to see the platform in action.