Working towards aviation’s sustainability future with model-based AI

11 Aug 2021

The aviation industry is seeing positive signs of recovery as travel begins to resume around the world, but a major challenge the sector continues to face is sustainability. With aviation accounting for approximately 2% of global carbon emissions, the industry is focused on working towards a more sustainable future.

As reducing carbon emissions is a complex challenge with many factors to consider, airlines need tools that support them to implement holistically sustainability solutions across their entire operation. Operators need to be able to clearly visualise how each initiative will impact each area of their business and test the possible outcomes. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) comes in.

Model-based AI, which is implemented in Aerogility, uses an intelligent model of an entire fleet operation to create a realistic future simulation of the business. To generate the simulation, AI software agents play out the role of aircraft fleets and major systems, plus all the supporting facilities and operational infrastructure.

Using model-based AI software, airlines could dynamically test different methods of reducing carbon emissions to identify the best possible outcomes for both their business and their sustainability targets before implementing them in real life. Model-based AI systems give airlines the visibility to make informed business and operational decisions. In terms of sustainability, the technology can identify the most viable and impactful ways of reducing carbon emissions across an airline’s entire fleet while looking ahead to see how these decisions will affect their operations over the next months, years or even decades.

Working towards a sustainable future requires support and collaboration across the aviation industry and beyond. At Aerogility, we are committed to continuously developing our software to help our customers optimise and scale their sustainability operations. Together, we can work to reduce carbon emissions from air travel and enable future generations to continue exploring the world without negatively impacting the planet.

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